6 Simple Lifestyle Changes To Get Healthier
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At the start of the New Year, you might be optimistic about your lifestyle changes, but you may end up not following them and fall back into your old routine. Moreover, unfortunate events like a global pandemic or an injury may not allow you to stick to your fitness regime and live a healthy lifestyle. However, better late than never! So, even if you have had a couple of months eating unhealthy stuff and training less, you can still get back on the road to a healthy body and lifestyle!
Below, we have listed the top six ways to live a healthier lifestyle and get fitter.
1. Aim for 8 hours of sleep- You might be finishing off the final chores of the day till midnight or like watching late-night TV. However, in this process, you might be resisting heading off to bed and not getting enough sleep.
You must follow a consistent sleep schedule involving at least eight hours of sleep every night. It will balance your growth hormone and testosterone levels and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, remember that your body recovers from the gym and training sessions during your sleep.
2. Maintain a gratitude journal- Keeping a gratitude journal will help you deal with stress. Stress disturbs not only your mental health but also your physical health. It increases the hormone cortisol, leading to accumulated fat in your lower belly.
You can start journaling by simply writing down things you are grateful for every day. These things can be as simple as a traffic-free ride to work or as major as clearing all your debts.
3. Skip eating processed foods- There might be a lot of processed food items in your pantry. However, you must know that processed food can never be good for your body and health. Therefore, immediately toss all these foods into your garbage bag or, better, donate them to a charity or local food pantry. It will make your doctor and abs happy.
4. Look for a training partner- You may be working out alone until now like a lone wolf. However, you must seek out a workout partner to share your fitness goals. They will push you harder towards your goals and keep you accountable for the same. Moreover, their company may make exercising more fun.
5. Get some soft tissue work- Training hard can be very complicated. Although it can help you keep your body in shape, it can also result in muscle tightness and overuse injuries. Therefore, you should find a massage therapist and incorporate sports massage, foam rolling, or self-myofascial release into your routine. It will enhance your body's performance and longevity.
6. Incorporate olive oil in your daily diet- The idea of having fried snacks and vegetables may sound exciting. However, frying your food in regular cooking/vegetable oil is not really a reliable and healthy nutritional strategy.
Instead, use olive oil to stir-fry veggies or make some delicious semolina pancakes to stay healthy and avoid several health issues.
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